Autorización de la Unión Europea para el uso de Proteína de Insecto en Alimentación de Cerdos y Aves
Mon, Sep 20
Following the authorisation of insects in aquaculture animals in July 2017, the Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 authorises the use of processed animal proteins derived from insects (insect PAPs) in poultry and pig feed. As this authorisation is expected to enter into force later in September, t
Time & Location
Sep 20, 2021, 7:30 AM GMT-5
About the event
Draf t Programme
Introductor y speech: Ms Adriana Casillas, IPI F F Pres ident
‘Setting the scene: outline of the EU policy reform and of the new y introduced EU rules ’ Mr Fabien Schneegans, Legislative officer (EU Commission)
‘ Incentives for address ing specific protein demands and stimulating the development of circular and local supply chains : the views of the European livestock sector’ Mr António Tavares, Chair of Copa-Cogeca WG ‘pigmeat’
‘Opportunities for responding to rising consumers/societal demands and increasing the competitiveness of the EU food sector: the perspective of European Poultry processor s ’ Mr Paul-Henri Lava, Senior Policy Advi ser (AVEC)
'A major EU policy s tep towards the development of insect s products as ‘complementary ’ and ‘multi -benefit’ nutrient source: forecasts and expectations from the European insect sector’ Mr Christophe Trespeuch, Chair of IPIFF WG on ‘feed hygiene’ Q&A and discuss ion with speakers Moderation and concluding remar k s : Mr Christophe Derrien IPIF F Secretary -General